Beat the Disease v1.0

Rated 3.5 from 1 vote
Category Games
Theme Other
Size Medium
Submitted by LifeIsAGame
Posted on September 18th, 2018 01:20 PM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 186 times



You come to visit your father in hospital.He newer told you why he every month go to doctor.After you talk with Dr.Marko, you find out that your father have serious problems with heart.Sad and worried, you read father message at home.The message says that you can help your father in one way.. You must go to Monsterix world for medicine that will help your father survive.. Will you succeed?


Hidden Chests with items.
Hidden places.
2 Boss fights (Zombo and Skerton)
1 Final Boss fight (Witch)
Good Storyline
Estimated playtime: 30-45 minutes
Don't use gamemode 1
Don't use /kill command to heal yourself
Don't kill animals on map for food (If they spawn)
Follow the story and you will complete the map
Try to complete sidequest's, they may have something that you need
Singleplayer ONLY!
If you don't spawn in start room, please do /kill command
Version: 1.12.2 with Optifine (Not needed but map work better with Optifine)
Difficulty: Normal at least
Brightness: 50 %
Sound settings: Player: 100 %


Small donation with PayPal for new computer (to make map more faster and in better quality):

If you like the map, please leave a comment.If someone make gameplay of this map on yt, please leave a link in comment.

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